What Ice Cream Flavor Matches Your Mood?

Decisions, decisions. There are so many unique and delicious flavors of ice cream that it’s hard to decide which one looks best! Never fear, we have a few ideas to help you narrow down which type fits your current mood.

Are You Feeling…Adventurous?

Sometimes the best pairings are the ones you never expected to see together. Feeling adventurous? Try something new and intriguing! Maybe you’ve never thought to try cream cheese or banana ice cream, or our Midnight Munchies flavor has made the weekly Norwood menu. From potato chips to peanuts, our rotating flavors are sure to satisfy any adventurous ice cream connoisseur. Get ‘em while they last and catch these crazy flavors before they’re gone!

…in Need of a Pick-Me-Up?

Nothing says comfort food like dessert. When life gets you down, a little sugar might be just the thing you need. Indulge in chocolate bliss or a double scoop of your favorite classic flavor. Share a sundae with someone you love for good food and company– there’s no better way to improve a long day!

…Calm and Contented?

Are you someone who likes to go with the flow? Feeling content with where you are and the world around you? It’s the perfect day to try a seasonal flavor. Take advantage of the time you’re in and channel the season with delicious themed options. Pumpkin Spice or Apple Pie ice cream tastes even better as the leaves turn, and warmer weather brings fresh fruit to a long list of summer flavors. Stop by to see what’s in and celebrate each season!


Ice cream is the treat to beat when you’re celebrating! Choose the best of both dessert worlds with Birthday Cake Batter or add some pep to your cone with plenty of sprinkles. Ooey Gooey Butter Cake never looked so good! More of a cookie person? See if Peanut Butter Cookie and Fluff, Berger Cookie, Scout Mint, or Chocolate Milk and Cookies is on the current menu. Ice cream pairs with any celebration. Sprinkles count as confetti, right?

…Everything All At Once?!

Life can get overwhelming, but never fear– ice cream is cheaper than therapy! If your emotions are all over the place, even little decisions can seem daunting. Ask the team member helping you what their favorite flavor is, share a cup with a friend, or simply close your eyes and pick the flavor your finger lands above– with so many wonderful options, you can hardly go wrong!

Anyone One Else Feeling Hungry?

Satisfy your sweet tooth at Norwood Ice Cream and Candy Company! Stop by 5957 Exchange Drive, Suite F in Eldersburg, Maryland any day of the week (check out our website for store hours). We can’t wait to see you!

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